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Sommersemester 2024

Sommer 2024


BW43 (Sustainability Behavior) - Kurs 2: Instruments in Sustainability Management

  • Time:
    • Monday, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm, Seminar room S2 (oeconomicum)
    • Tuesday, 4.30 pm - 6 pm (aka 16:30 - 18:00 Uhr), Room 25.13.U1.22
  • Volume: 2 SWS

BB04 (Produktion und Logistik) - Kurs 2: Übungen

  • Zeit und Ort: Dienstags, 10:30 - 12:00 Uhr, Seminarraum S3/4 (oeconomicum)
  • Umfang: 2 SWS (Kurs 1 umfasst weitere 2 SWS und wurde im Sommersemester 2023 letztmalig angeboten)
  • ACHTUNG: Dieses Modul ist nur für Studierende, die in einer alten Prüfungsordnung eingeschrieben sind. Es handelt sich um ein ergänzendes Angebot zur Vorlesung, welche im Sommersemester 2023 letzmalig angeboten wurde.

BQ (Projektarbeit Sustainability Management)

Masterstudium / Master level

MW57 (Sustainability Management Research)

  • Time and Place: Thursdays, 10:30 am - 2 pm (10:30 - 14:00 Uhr), Seminar room S5 (oeconomicum)
  • Credits: 4 SWS, 8 ECTS
  • Further information and overview of module: Please see the info video following this link
  • Course material and exact schedule: available via ILIAS with the start of the semester (preliminary schedule included in the video)
  • Registration and first session: The first in-class session will take place on April 11. You need to register in the LSF before this date to access the necessary material in ILIAS. You need to watch a screencast video (accessible after registration) before April 11!
  • IMPORTANT: To participate in the course, you have to be personally present on site in some sessions where we will hand out the tasks and discuss papers.

MW59 (Sustainability Management Practice)

  • Time and Place: Thursdays, 2.30 pm - 6 pm (14:30 - 18 Uhr), Room 25.22.U1.72
  • Credits: 4 SWS, 8 ECTS
  • Further information and overview of module: Please see the info video following this link
  • Course material and exact schedule: available via ILIAS with the start of the semester (preliminary schedule included in the video)
  • Registration and first session: The first in-class session will take place on April 11. You need to register in the LSF before this date to access the necessary material in ILIAS. You need to watch a screencast video (accessible after registration) before April 11!
  • IMPORTANT: To participate in the course, you have to be personally present in those session on site where we will hand out the tasks/cases, form teams, and where you present your solutions. Further information in the video and in the first class session.

MQ (Projektarbeit Sustainability Management)