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Sommersemester 2022

Sommer 2022


BB04 (Produktion und Logistik) - Kurs 1: Vorlesung

  • Zeit und Ort: Donnerstags, 18:30 - 20 Uhr
  • Umfang: 2 SWS
  • Hinweis: Beachten Sie die genauen Hinweise zum Ablauf im ILIAS

BB04 (Produktion und Logistik) - Kurs 2: Übungen

  • Zeit und Ort: diverse Übungsgruppen (siehe LSF)
  • Umfang: 2 SWS

Masterstudium / Master level

MW48 / MQ01 (Fallstudienwettbewerb Montréal)

  • Zeit und Ort: Umfassende Informationen auf der Projekthomepage
  • Umfang: 4 SWS

MW57 (Sustainability Management Research)

  • Time and Place: Thursdays, 14:30 - 18 h (alternating with MW59)
  • Credits: 4 SWS, 8 ECTS
  • Course material and exact schedule: available via ILIAS before semester start (sometime in March)
  • IMPORTANT: You need to bindingly register for the course via email (see HISLSF for more details). Furthermore, to participate in the course you have to be present personally in the session on April 7, 2022 --> Hand-out of presentation topics/tasks! MW57 and MW59 will not collide and you can participate in both courses, if you like. Further information will be given via ILIAS after registration.

MW59 (Sustainability Management Practice)

  • Time and Place: Thursdays, 14:30 - 18 h (alternating with MW57)
  • Credits: 4 SWS, 8 ECTS
  • Course material and exact schedule: available via ILIAS before semester start (sometime in March)
  • IMPORTANT: You need to bindingly register for the course via email (see HISLSF for more details). Furthermore, to participate in the course, you have to be present personally in the session on April 7, 2022 --> Hand-out of presentation topics/tasks! MW57 and MW59 will not collide and you can participate in both courses, if you like. Further information will be given via ILIAS after registration.