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BW43: Sustainability Behavior

Electives - Bachelor

The module BW43 "Sustainability Behavior" introduces students into the sustainability-related behavior of various economic actors and the consequences for corporate sustainability management as well as numerous instruments of sustainability management in various functional areas of management. The module is usually offered every year. It is divided into two courses, starting with course 1 in the winter term. Course 2 will be offered in the summer term and it closes with a final exam for the entire module at the end of the summer term. 

Course 1: Basics of Sustainability Management (4 hours per week, winter term):

The course first provides a general introduction to the status quo, different concepts, reasons for and strategies of sustainability and sustainability management. Subsequently, a stakeholder-oriented perspective is adopted and opportunities as well as limitations of sustainability management are discussed from the perspective of and with regard to various stakeholder groups such as employees, consumers, investors, civil society and regulators. The course has the character of an interactive lecture and will be conducted in German.

Course 2: Instruments in Sustainability Management (2 hours per week, summer term):

The course focuses on instruments and measures of sustainability management from the perspective of various corporate functional areas (e.g. marketing or accounting) as well as some higher-level topics (e.g. digitalization). The focus is on discussing the usability and application of the corresponding instruments as well as their hurdles and limitations. Participants thus gain a broad understanding of different approaches and methods of sustainability management. The course is conducted as a "flipped classroom" event. The students work out the contents independently in the run-up to the respective event based on given literature. In the course itself, open questions are first answered and then the content is deepened by means of case studies and discussion questions. The course will be conducted in English.