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PhD Projects (Dissertations)

Topics for PhD Theses (Dissertations)

Dissertation topics at our department come from within our current research areas. The section "Our Research" of this website (including our publications) provides a detailed overview.


Jobs for Research Assistants ("internal doctorate"):

Vacancies are announced via the known channels. Please do not send unsolicited applications without reference to a job advertisement!


External PhD Candidates:

Anyone interested in an external doctorate can contact us at any time. Please note the following requirements:

  • Excellent university degree from a management-focused program
  • Interest in (and knowledge of) empirical work (qualitative and quantitative research designs are possible)
  • Very good (especially written) English skills and solid German language skills
  • Affinity to topics in the field of sustainability management
  • Possibility to devote yourself primarily to your own research project over a certain period of time (pure "part-time doctorates" are generally not very promising)

In case you are interested, you can contact Prof. Dr. Hahn in the following two ways.

  1. If you already have a specific idea about a topic, please send us a complete exposé (together with a curriculum vitae including a transcript of records). When submitting your exposé, please pay close attention to our guideleines for authoring a scientific piece of work (see "Studies and Teaching") and bear in mind that dissertations are naturally subject to a high standard with regard to research questions and (empirical) research methodology. You should demonstrate your ability to carry out empirical research (including sound knowledge of relevant research and analysis methods) in the exposé. The exposé (as well as the later thesis) must be written in English. 
  2. If you currently only have a general idea, you can also contact us with a preliminary inquiry (including a curriculum vitae and transcript of results).

Please always check the requirements mentioned above as well as the general requirements for admission to doctoral studies at the Faculty of Business Adminitsration and Economics of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf (see the website of the faculty) before contacting us!

Dr. rer. pol. Sylvia Feilhauer


Cross-sector partnerships for sustainability: Formation, Evaluation and Risk Management

Erstgutachter: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Hahn
Zweitgutachter: Prof. Dr. Stefan Süß
Vorsitz: Prof. Dr. Jens Südekum


Dr. rer. pol. Inan Ince


The Strategic Management of Hybrid Businesses: Constituents, Business Models and Theoretical Implications

Erstgutachter: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Hahn
Zweitgutachter: Prof. Dr. Marius Wehner
Vorsitz: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Neyer


Dr. oec. Michael Kühnen

2018 (Univ. Hohenheim)

Social and positive sustainability performance measurement: Theories, conceptual frameworks, and empirical insights

Hauptbericht: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Hahn
Mitbericht: Prof. Dr. Katja Schimmelpfeng
Vorsitz: Prof. Dr. Marion Büttgen


Dr. oec. Daniel Roos

2017 (Univ. Hohenheim)

Understanding social-psychological determinants and effects of collaborative consumption

Hauptbericht: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Hahn
Mitbericht: Prof. Dr. Verena Hüttl-Maack
Vorsitz: Prof. Dr. Michael Schramm


Dr. oec. Felix Ostertag

2016 (Univ. Hohenheim, summa cum laude)

Umweltfreundliches Verhalten am Arbeitsplatz – Analyse der Determinanten und Untersuchung eines umfassenden Modells

Hauptbericht: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Hahn
Mitbericht: Prof. Dr. Matthias Straub
Vorsitz: Prof. Dr. Michael Ahlheim


Dr. rer. pol. Anil Gürtürk

2016 (Univ. Kassel)

Integrated reporting and sustainability-related assurance: Effects, current practice and future directions

Hauptbericht: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Hahn
Mitbericht: Prof. Dr. Christian Klein
Mitbericht: Prof. Dr. Christian Herzig
Beisitz: Prof. Dr. Stefan Seuring
Beisitz: Prof. Dr. Patrick Spieth

Prof. Dr. Carolin Waldner

Assistant Professor, ESCP Berlin

2020 - 2022: PostDoc am Lehrstuhl


Prof. Dr. Inan Ince

Professor, IU Internationale Hochschule

2013 - 2020: Doktorand am Lehrstuhl (2013-2017: Universitäten Kassel und Hohenheim)


Prof. Dr. Felix Ostertag

Associate Professor, EM Strasbourg Business School

2016 - 2020: PostDoc am Lehrstuhl (von 2016 - 2018: Universität Hohenheim)


Dr. Emiel Eijdenberg

Senior Lecturer, James Cook University, Austalien

2016 - 2018: PostDoc am Lehrstuhl (damals: Universität Hohenheim)