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Sustainability Management

At our institute, we focus the cross-sectional approach of sustainability management as vital element of modern management. With societal mega trends such as globalization, climate change, migration, and population development in mind, we train future managers with comprehensive business know-how and competences to achieve sustainable solutions to reduce costs and risks, increase reputation and legitimacy, generate competitive advantages and advance the sustainable development of companies and society. In our research, we focus on relevant topics in the core area of sustainability management as well as on the interface to classical management disciplines. A particular focus lies on the behavior of various economic players and stakeholders.

Sustainability –the major topic of our time is the driving force of our work at the chair.  


Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Hahn
Building: 24.31.
Floor/room: 02.08
+49 (0) 211 81 11578
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